New Building Allows Darchai Menachem to Expand

For the first time since its inception nineteen years ago, Darchai Menachem will be opening its doors to boys entering first and second grade.

For the first time since its inception nineteen years ago, Darchai Menachem will be opening its doors to boys entering first and second grade. This is an opportunity to extend the school’s unique educational approach to talmidim from the beginning and foundation of their school careers.

This is an exciting moment for the Hanholo of Darchai Menachem. Until now they have serviced students from third grade through Mesivta so being able to offer the full elementary experience has been a dream of theirs for a long time, but a lack of space meant it could never become a reality. Until recently, when a successful building campaign brought in the funds necessary to purchase the neighboring property. The mesivta has been moved to the new building, creating the space for two new classes at the beginning of the 5780-1/2020-1 school year.

Darchai Menachem was established as a school where every child is recognized as an individual. Small classes allow for differentiated learning and individualized learning plans and the school is intentional in building strong teacher-student relationships. In the younger classes art, music, sports and swimming are all an integral part of the curriculum. This promotes a whole-child approach to education where children are encouraged to develop all aspects of their person.

“We believe in treating every child as a yochid, and work tirelessly to instill the lifelong principles of ahavas Hashem, ahavas haTorah, and ahavas Yisroel,” says Rabbi Eyal Bension, director of Darchai Menachem.

The success of this approach is evidenced by the number of alumni who still visit the school even though a decade has passed since graduation.

To implement the first and second grade program the school is collaborating with the Mechina program cofounded by Mrs Eidle Sputz. The Mechina program has pioneered a classroom setting and educational system that works to reach, nurture, and educate each student on their own level, using a sophisticated yet grounded approach that takes every aspect of a child’s experience into account. “Our focus is on giving every child the baseline social, emotional, and cognitive skills they’ll need to be successful as students and in all areas of their lives,” Mrs. Sputz says.

The Mechina program’s experience with this grade level and their educational values will blend well with the warm and nurturing approach that are the ethos of Darchai Menachem. “We are proud to partner with such an innovative and successful educational program that shares our own intensely felt and practiced chassidishe values and educational philosophy,” says Rabbi Bension.

There’s limited spots available in the new classes. For more information about the school, or to apply for the first and second grades, visit

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