New Book Reveals Rubashkin Inside Story

A new 600-page book by Getzel Rubashkin recounts the story of his father, R’ Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, during his seemingly never-ending saga with new details, stories, and lessons for life in emunah and bitachon.

In a historic first, Getzel Rubashkin, son of Sholom Rubashkin, has authored a book recounting his father’s story as never told before. Titled “SHOLOM MORDECHAI RUBASHKIN: THE INSIDE STORY”, in more than 600 pages, this book – a memoir of sorts – details stories and lessons for life in emunah and bitachon that are sure to captivate readers of all ages.

“This is a milestone for the Jewish nation,” said Mrs. M. Gendelman, Chief Editor at Israel Bookshop Publications who is publishing this book. “The story of Sholom Rubashkin is not a story of one man or one family. It is the story of the Jewish people. A story of remarkable faith and endurance in face of the most extreme challenges. Personally, I could not put the manuscript down when I first read it.”

Though Sholom Rubashkin has spoken hundreds of times the world over, Getzel reveals countless stories and behind the scenes information of the monumental effort to bring his father home that have never been publicized until now.

“In his father’s words, Getzel discloses deep, personal struggles that Sholom Rubashkin had during his most challenging of times, and how he came to overcome and even rise above these struggles,” Mrs. Gendelman asserted. “These firsthand stories are an incredible lesson and guide for life to confront the ordeals that life throws at all of us.”

Getzel is the second of ten children, the eldest of the boys. He lives with his wife and children in Brooklyn, NY.

“I thought I knew the story, if anyone did,” said Getzel Rubashkin, “but I learned many new things in the process of writing this book. Not just the facts of the story that I’d never heard or realizations about how they often intertwined in incredible examples of Hashgacha Pratis. I also discovered new dimensions of inspiration and direction in my father’s experiences and attitudes. This is the story as you’ve never heard it before.”

The book can be purchased at a Jewish bookstore near you or at


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