Necklace Crafted from Rebbe Coin to be Raffled Off

N’Shei Chabad Mivtzoim Committee will host their Second annual Mivtzoim Auction this Sunday with Rabbi Shais Taub and entertainment by singer Esther Freeman.

N’Shei Chabad Mivtzoim Committee will host their Second annual Mivtzoim Auction this Sunday.

An evening where the Rebbe’s Mivtzoim come alive through song, dance, story and prizes.

EMPOWER YOURSELF! It’s time to take the world by storm. N’shei Chabad of Crown Heights Mivtzoim committee is at the forefront!

Have you got a free day on your calendar? Does your life need some enhancement? The Rebbe has gifted us with the 10 Mivtzoim. Give another yid a spiritual lift and your day will be uplifted. Partner with us as we bring the Rebbe’s Mivtzoim to a new level.

The Mivtzoim “Ladies” can be found in supermarkets, boardwalks, street corners, and senior centers on any given day.

The auction will Empower all those that join with Guest speaker Rabbi Shais Taub who will address The Light, The Unity and Joy of Mivtzoim.

World-renowned singer Esther Freeman will lead us in concert with choreography by the girls in “The Tambourines Academy of Crown Heights.”

A delicious hot Fleishig buffet and desserts will be served.

Prizes include:
A 14k gold necklace crafted from a coin given by the Rebbe, Sheitel, Jewelry, Visa Card, Split the Pot and more.

Let’s celebrate together and support the endeavor, to enhance and enlarge and bring forth the Geula through the Mivtzoim we do.

THIS SUNDAY! 28 Shevat February 23, 2020

United Lubavitcher Yeshiva – 570 Crown St.

Viewing 5:00 PM – Program 8:00 PM

Admission: $25.00-includes 1 free $20.00 auction ticket.

For women & girls 12 years & older
Purchase Auction Tickets Online: For phone orders 845 – 275-0509

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