When a group of Satmar yungeleit landed in Berlin and needed a minyan and sefer Torah, they called Chabad who brought them a Mitzva Tank, like the Rebbe predicted 50 years ago.
By Anash.org reporter
Close to 50 years ago, members of the Satmar community attacked a Mitzva Tank in New York. Today, Satmar chassidim are davening shacharis in a Mitzva Tank in Berlin.
When some members of the Satmar community attacked a Mitzva Tank, the Rebbe instructed his chassidim not to react and assured them that Hashem would stand by their side.
Today, a group of Stamar yungeleit landed in Berlin airport for a short stopover on their way to visit kivrei tzadikim. Seeking a minyan and sefer Torah, they reached out to Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal of Chabad of Berlin. Rabbi Teichtal sent them a Mitzva Tank with a sefer Torah and fresh kosher food.
Outside Berlin’s airport, Satmar chassidim held a minyan and thanked Chabad for their Mitzva Tank, as the Rebbe predicted 50 years ago.
Yes!!! More stories like this 👍👍👍👍