Mrs. Shaindel Glick, 46, AH

Mrs. Shaindel Glick, a beloved mother and educator from Los Angeles, CA, passed away suddenly on Thursday, 23 Elul, 5784.

Mrs. Shaindel Glick, a beloved mother and educator from Los Angeles, CA, passed away suddenly on Thursday, 23 Elul, 5784.

She was 46.

Known as “Morah Shaindel,” she was a longtime beloved preschool teacher who impacted her students with her love and devotion.

In 2023, the Bureau of Jewish Education Lainer Award for Outstanding Educators presented “Morah Shaindel” as the outstanding educator of the year.

She is survived by her husband, Sholom (Berel) Glick and children Yossi, Eli, Moshe, Baila, Yehudis, Zev, Rochel, and Mendel.

She is also survived by her father Nissan and his wife Sharon Friedman and her in-laws Reb Avrohom and Chaya Raizel Glick of Australia.

She was predeceased by her mother Baila Friedman.

She is also survived by her siblings, Gitty Lesches – Crown Heights, Asher Friedman – Crown Heights, Faigy Zwiebel – Ashland, Oregan, Miriam Goldshmid – Crown Heights, Chaim Friedman – Crown Heights, Ephraim Friedman – Crown Heights.

The Levaya will take place tomorrow, Friday, passing by 770 at 12 PM.

Shiva at 1287 Carroll Street starting Motzei Shabbos.

Shiva in Los Angeles:

Address: 182 N Mansfield

Shiva Times:
Starting monday after Mincha
No visitors: 3-6 pm and after 9:30 pm

Women hours:
Tuesday: 12-3 pm & 7:30-9:30pm
Wednesday: 11am-2pm

3 Minyanim needed at each Tefillah


Slichos-8:45 (1 minyan)
Shachris-9:15 (3 minyanim)

Slichos-8:45 (1 minyan)
Shachris-9:30 (3 minyanim)

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

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