A Siyum Harambam will take place Motzei Shabbos in the Cozy Acres Bungalow Colony with Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm and Rabbi Ben-Tzion Krasniansky, shliach to the Upper East Side in Manhattan.
A Siyum Harambam will take place Motzei Shabbos at 10:30 PM in the Cozy Acres Bungalow Colony with Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm and Rabbi Ben-Tzion Krasniansky, shliach to the Upper East Side in Manhattan.
“We all know how dear the Siyum Harambam is to the Rebbe,” organizers told Anash.org “Even if you weren’t able to finish it this time around, it’s still important to attend and add to the celebration.”
“Perhaps it will even get you to learn it the next time around,” they said.
The siyum will also be graced by renowned chazzan R’ Sholom Bruchshtat, who will sing chassidishe niggunim, including some of the many niggunim he composed over the decades.