Motzoei Shabbos: Conection Point Rally in 770

Connection Point creates a fun and substantive way to get into the Chanukah spirit for parents and children by hosting an exciting “Real Rally” event in 770.

All children involved in Connection Point, the JEM and Tzivos Hashem initiative created to encourage and empower children to watch and learn from the Rebbe directly, will be joining together with their parents in 770 on Motzei Shabbos Parshas Vayeshev, 23 Kislev, (21 December) at 7 pm to watch a rally of the Rebbe in true Connection Point style.

In the place where it originally took place, hundreds will join together to watch the special rally when the Rebbe.

For many parents, this is an incredible opportunity to witness first hand how Connection Point works, the excitement it creates, and how much the children learn.

The program is for boys and girls grades five-eight. Over twenty exciting prizes will be raffled off and given out. Bring a parent and get an extra ticket!

This Real Rally event takes place on Motzei Shabbos Parshas Vayeshev, 23 Kislev, (21 December) at 7 pm in 770.

Sponsorships for the event are still available. To sponsor, or to find out more contact Rabbi Levi Plotkin at

All children that come will get points for the Avos Ubanim program – and put the logo next to it.

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