Mothers Share Journeys of Raising Special-Needs Children

At a volunteer orientation event for Friendship Circle of Brooklyn, two mothers shared their journeys raising sons who have special needs and the impact the work of volunteers have on their entire family.

Who has the authority to define the term an essential worker? Is this term coined for only medical professionals and government officials? 

The million dollar question is: do you view yourself as essential?

The foundation of Yiddishkeit focuses on the importance of each person. Every person was created for a specific purpose, to do important work, and make the world a better place. Helping another is at the very core of being a human. No one has made it through life without someone else’s help. 

At the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn, their volunteers are able to take part in this mission. When  FC volunteers walk into a home for the first or tenth time, share a smile or nice word to their buddy, give some much needed respite to the hardworking mother, this can accomplish way more than a therapist doing her “job”. The love and care they show is priceless.  

Last month, Friendship Circle hosted a volunteer orientation event about the essential work of a volunteer. Two dedicated mothers – Mrs. Libby Chein and Mrs. Chaya Pape shared their journeys raising sons who have special needs and the impact the work of volunteers have on their sons, the siblings and their entire family. The panel was followed by a video of the Rebbe about respecting others and loving them for who they are, and a short clip from “Temple Grandin,” which gave insight into the mind of a young adult with autism. 

The Friendship Circle would like to thank the incredible teens of our community for being a crucial part of the organization and for doing such powerful work with a smile. Thank you for making a difference, and making the world a brighter place!

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