Moshiach Curriculum Offers 4 Tracks for Different Ages

A new campaign spearheaded by teacher Rabbi Yoel Vogel of ULY, aims to unite boys and girls, men and women of all ages to learn about Moshiach and enter into raffles for exciting prizes.

A new campaign spearheaded by teacher Rabbi Yoel Vogel of ULY, aims to unite boys and girls, men and women of all ages to learn about Moshiach and enter into raffles for exciting prizes.

The program will feature daily topics of Moshiach and Geulah study. Questions will then be sent out every day, and a test will be sent once a week, followed by raffles on exciting prizes.

The campaign will run for three weeks, from 15 Sivan through 3 Tammuz.

Elementary students: 1) Participating classes will learn it with their teacher. 2) Join a daily live “Moshiach Shiur” on Zoom. 3) Watch a recorded “Moshiach Shiur” class. 4) Learn it on your own (in English).

Bochurim: 1) Participating Yeshivos will learn it as part of Seder. 2) Join a daily live “Moshiach Shiur” on Zoom. 3) Watch a recorded “Moshiach Shiur” class. 4) Learn it on your own (from a קובץ in simple לשון קודש).

High school girls and up: 1) Participating classes will learn it with their teacher. 2) Join a daily live “Moshiach Shiur” on Zoom. 3) Watch a recorded “Moshiach Shiur” class. 4) Learn it on your own (in English).

Adults: 1) Join a daily live “Moshiach Shiur” on Zoom (separate classes for men and women). 2) Watch a recorded “Moshiach Shiur” class (you can sign up to receive it daily via WhatsApp). 3) Learn it on your own (in English).

Visit for more details!

This מבצע is dedicated in memory of
הרה”ח התמים ר’ מנחם מרדכי בן חסן יפת ז”ל ניסים

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