Montreal Yeshiva Begins 5783 With New Programs

As 5783 begins, Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim of Montreal has unrolled an array of new programs to enrich the soulful and educational experience of their talmidim.

As 5783 begins, Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim of Montreal has unrolled an array of new programs to enrich the soulful and educational experience of their talmidim.

In an invigorating kick-off event, legendary mashpia Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Gurary welcomed the students, sharing stories of his private encounters with the Rebbe and emphasizing the importance of shmiras hasdarim (timeliness).

Members of the broader Montreal community joined the Yeshiva and Mesivtah for an inspiring farbregen with Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Leibel Kaplan in honor of Tes Vov Elul.

As a hachanah to Rosh Hashanah, three respected community figures, Rabbi Yossef Minkowitz, Rabbi Mendel Raskin, and Rabbi Yossi Pariz, shared personal memories of Tishrei with the Rebbe throughout the years.

In addition to special-occasion events, a weekly Thursday night farbregen has become a highlight for the bochurim, along with surprise sushi and pizzah lunches in honor of the bochurim’s hard work and achievements.

“The goal of Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim is to build up each student according to the principle of ‘chanoch l’naar al pi darcho,’” says Rabbi Leibel Kaplan, Rosh Yeshiva. “These initiatives are only the beginning of our efforts, and we have many more exciting plans in store for our bochurim.”

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