Montreal Girls Increase Mezuzah Awareness and Protection

In an initiative by Rabbi Yosef Minkowitz, talmidos at Beis Rivkah in Montreal were encouraged to touch the Mezuzah at school and home to be aware of Hashem’s protection for themselves and the Yidden in Eretz Yisroel.

We are all aware that the Jews in Eretz Yisroel, and the world over, need an extra measure of Hashem’s protection.

The Rebbe emphasized the special protection accomplished by the mitzvah of Mezuzah, and also that by one Jew having a Mezuzah – anywhere in the world – it adds protection to the Jews in Eretz Yisroel.

“Over the last year, the Talmidos of Beis Rivkah in Montreal are encouraged and reminded to place their hand on the Mezuzah upon entering and leaving Beis Rivkah, their home, etc. (at least by the front door), which makes one cognizant of Hashem, our Guardian. It does not require any extra time, and helps countless people”, said Rabbi Yosef Minkowitz, dean of the school. 

In the zchus of fulfilling the Rebbe’s words, may all the Jews in Eretz Yisroel always be protected – together with Klal Yisroel wherever they are.


What the Rebbe said about the protection of Mezuzah, for us, and Jews in Eretz Yisroel:

“On the outside of every Mezuzah parchment is written one of Hashem’s names ש-ד-י

The Arizal writes that it is also an acrostic of the words שומר דלתות ישראל – Protector of the Doors of Yisroel. A Mezuzah provides protection on one’s house and everything in the house.

“Furthermore, it says in the Zohar, that the protection is in a manner that ה’ ישמר צאתך,

מעתה ועד עולם ‘Hashem will guard your going out and your coming in, from now and for all time’, which includes even leaving from a house that has a Mezuzah.

“The Shulchan Oruch brings opinions, that when a person leaves or enters the house, the hand should touch the Mezuzah, which makes one cognizant of Hashem, our Guardian.” [The Rebbe would touch the Mezuzah of every room, upon entering and exiting.]

(Likutei Sichos vol. 19 p. 121 – 128. Zohar vol. 3, p. 263, 266. Tehillim 121, 8. Shulchan Oruch, Hilchos Mezuzah, 285:2)

“What a child – even a day old – sees or hears, has an effect on them also when they get older, and makes a strong impression for life. Therefore, in every Jewish home, there is an emphasis that the children should kiss the Mezuzah by the door of their room before going to sleep. In the Mezuzah it is written שמע ישראל ה’ אלקינו ה’ אחד , so it’s engraved by the children that –ה’ אחד – Hashem watches over them and protects them, including everything in their room, and as it says in Zohar, that the Mezuzah protects everyone in the house, even when they leave the house.”

(Toras Menachem 5747, vol. 2, p. 647)

“When a Jew fulfills the Mitzva of Mezuzah even outside of Eretz Yisroel, it protects and guards also the Jews in Eretz Yisroel since all Jews are united as one entity and are responsible for one another.

“A particular effort must be made pertaining to the Mitzva of Mezuzah, which provides a special protection.

“Definitely this will increase the protection by Hashem ‘the Guardian of Israel who neither slumbers nor sleeps’, and will bring a fulfillment that ‘I will give peace in the Land’ – both in the Holy Land, and outside of Eretz Yisroel – and ‘I will bring you upright’ to greet Moshiach, speedily.”

(Toras Menachem vol. 76, p. 184, 232, 268)

A week before the Six-Day-War, while addressing thousands of children and adults at the Lag b’Omer parade, the Rebbe emotionally proclaimed:

“Pertaining to the present situation of your/our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land, in Eretz Yisroel –

“You, (and we) have a special obligation and privilege to help them. You, by fulfilling one mitzvah and another mitzvah, not missing any opportunity, and influence your relatives, friends and family, to do likewise, to spread Torah and Mitzvos.

“This will save every Jew, wherever he may be, from the difficulties he encounters and bring Hashem’s blessing in increased measure, salvation and success, that ‘you will dwell in your Land securely, and I will give peace in the Land’.”

(Likutei Sichos, vol. 7, p. 333)

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