Montreal Community Gathers for Central Rambam Siyum

A grand Siyum HaRambam was held in Montreal led by prominent local rabbonim and shluchim. Guest speaker Rabbi Heshel Greenberg inspired the crowd, and a local businessman spoke about the tremendous brachos he saw from learning Rambam daily.

On Thursday night, Or L’Rosh Chodesh Adar, a large crowd from the Montreal Jewish community gathered for a grand Siyum HaRambam. The event took place at the Shomrim Laboker shul with the participation of many distinguished rabbonim and community members.

Among the esteemed rabbonim in attendance were: Rabbi Berel Bell, Rav and Mara D’Asra of Beis Medrash Lubavitch and member of the Montreal Vaad HaRabbonim; Rabbi Dovid Banon, Rav of the Chabad community, member of the Beis Din and Vaad HaRabbonim, and shliach in Laval; Rabbi Berel Mochkin, head shliach of Montreal; Rabbi Moshe Shtern, Rav of Tze’irei Das V’Daas community and senior Rosh Yeshiva in Montreal; and Rabbi Leibel Kaplan, Rosh Yeshiva of Tomchei Temimim Montreal.

A special guest speaker was Rabbi Heshel Greenberg, the Rebbe’s shliach, director of the Jewish Discovery Center, and noted author from Buffalo.

The event was masterfully chaired by Rabbi Shmuel Kramer, executive director of Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim Montreal.

The siyum began with a screening of marois kodesh, followed by the Siyum HaRambam, led by Rabbi Berel Bell. The Rebbe’s kapitel was recited by Rabbi Shmuel Zalmanov. The new cycle of Rambam study was then started by Rabbi Dovid Banon.

A special address was delivered by Rabbi Mordechai Galitsky, a distinguished dayan in the Belz community, followed by a powerful talk from R’ Yosef Yitzchak Sherf, a businessman and activist from Tze’irei Anash, who inspired the crowd to undertake the study of three perakim of Rambam daily. He shared his personal experiences of the abundant brachos that come with learning Rambam consistently.

The evening’s keynote address was delivered by the honored guest, Rabbi Heshel Greenberg, who eloquently explained the significance of studying Rambam and how it strengthens our connection to the Rebbe.

Following the formal program, many participants remained for a Chassidishe farbrengen with Rabbi Greenberg, focusing on the inspiration and impact of the Siyum HaRambam. The farbrengen continued into the late hours of the night, leaving the participants uplifted and energized in their avodas Hashem.


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