Montreal Boys Make a Chassidus Carnival for Their School

In honor of 18 Elul, students at YTTL Montreal put on a beautiful carnival for the school where each booth’s games and activities highlighted a teaching of the Baal Shem Tov or the Alter Rebbe.

In honor of 18 Elul, the Kita Daled of YTTL Montreal hosted a beautiful carnival. Each booth featured posters colored and drawn by the talmidim, with teachings of the Baal Shem Tov or the Alter Rebbe written in the center. The games and activities at each booth were carefully crafted to teach and express these teachings.

Kitta Pre-1a through 5 came throughout the afternoon to play and have fun, while niggunim blasted from the speakers. The atmosphere was joyful and exciting as the Talmidim celebrated the teachings of Chassidus and the birthdays of our Rebbeim. Many parents and younger siblings of the boys in Kita Daled also joined the carnival and even won some of the raffles!

One mother shared, “It was such a fun carnival with the boys. Our family loved it, especially the beautiful messages in honor of Chai Elul that the boys put up by every booth!” Another shared “This really was very empowering for our boys! It gave them an excitement for chaddidishe concepts!”

Rabbi Kaufman, the principal, summed it up “This really brought out the nekudah of the Yomtov of Chai Elul in a relatable, meaningful and fun way. The chiddush of the Baal Shem Tov and Alter Rebbe that every neshomo (regardless of its level or performance of mitzvos) is precious to Hashem, together with a powerful Ahavas Yisroel, was on full display in the festive carnival. The Talmidim came together, and without even realizing it, were fully immersed in creating this event with Achdus and Simcha. A big thank you to Rabbi Mendy Bresinger for arranging this beautiful event”.

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