Monsey Girls Compete in Intense Parsha Chidon

Competition was intense at Cheder Chabad Monsey’s ‘Parsha Pro Chidon’, as teachers fired questions at third and fourth grade contestants while their wide-eyed classmates excitedly looked on.

By reporter

Competition was intense at Cheder Chabad Monsey’s ‘Parsha Pro Chidon’, as teachers fired questions at third and fourth grade contestants while their wide-eyed classmates excitedly looked on.

In the ‘Parsha Pro’ program, third and fourth graders took a weekly quiz on the parsha they learned. Students with an average of 80% or higher then received the opportunity to display their knowledge at a grand Chidon.

After recently concluding Chumash Bereishis, the grand Parsha Pro Chidon was held. Contestants were called to the stage and challenged with questions on various details in the story of the parsha, which they proudly answered.

Their comprehensive knowledge of Chumash Breishis impressed their teachers and peers alike. “It was amazing to see how much the girls knew!” said one of the chidon organizers.

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