Monsey Boys Rewarded for Hard Work with Ski Trip

After half a year of daily duchs, davening, and personal growth, talmidim at the Monsey Cheder were rewarded with exciting rock climbing, ninja course, and ski trips.

After nearly half a year of hard work and daily investment on the part of the Talmidim, the Tomim Mivtza cultivated in spectacular trips for the participants. Mivtza Tomim is a Cheder program in grades 5-8, with daily duchs to fill out, parts of Davening to work on, and growth in the personal Avoda of the students.

The Talmidim who completed this Mivtza were treated to incredible outings, with 5th & 6th grades enjoying a rock climbing and ninja course trip, while the Talmidim in 7th & 8th grades enjoyed a skiing trip!

Mazal Tov to all the Talmidim who excelled in this program and participated in these exciting trips. 


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