Monsey Boys Excited to Join Baal Peh Program

Cheder Chabad Monsey revitalized a favorite program, learning Mishnayos and Tanya baal peh. The changes to the program are thanks to the yeshiva’s new shluchim.

At Cheder Chabad in Monsey, the shluchim have arrived, and already many new exciting programs have been introduced and old ones brought back into the spotlight with more vigor and excitement.

Shluchim Tuvya Gewirtz and Levi Engel have decided to revitalize a favorite program called mivtzah Torah Baal peh. In this program, boys study Mishnayos and Tanya and commit them to memory.

This program is explicitly designed with material that is grade appropriate and runs through all cheder grades.

If you were to walk into Cheder in the morning you would see the beautiful sight of the talmidim utilizing their every spare minute for learning Tanya bal peh.


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