A new Sefer Torah will be completed Monday in memory of Yehoshua Mordechai and Shimon Lasker a”h. The entire community is invited to attend.
The Lasker family will be dedicating a new Torah on Monday, in memory of Yehoshua Mordechai a”h ben Benzion sheyichye and Shimon ben Eliyahu Lasker a”h.
The siyum will take place on Monday, 15 Elul – August 23, the day the Rebbe Rashab founded Tomchei Temimim.
Writing of the final letters will take place at the Lasker home, 561 Albany Avenue, at 5:00 PM.
A procession will leave from their home at 6:00 PM, heading to 770 Eastern Parkway where hakafos will be held.
The Seudas Mitzvah will take place on Shabbos Parshas Ki Savo, at Beis Menachem Mendel Lubavitch in Pomona, NY.
The entire community is invited to attend.
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