Mixed Feelings As Yarchei Kallah Resumes After 3-Year Hiatus

The resumption of the annual Yarchei Kallah at CGI Parksville after 3 years was an exciting event, but it also drove home the absence of some of the regulars…

By Anash.org reporter

After three years when Yarchei Kallah only took place online, the weekend program returned in-person on Thursday in Camp Gan Yisroel of Parksville, New York.

The annual event brings together prominent rabbonim, roshei yeshivos, and mashpi’im who delve into the depths of Nigleh and Chassidus and hold animated discussions on various Torah topics.

From Thursday afternoon through Sunday, shiurim are delivered and ideas are debated, creating a unique scene of vivid Torah study.

This year, the resumption of Yarchei Kallah brought mixed feelings: Having an in-person program was a reason for excitement. But participants couldn’t help but notice some of the former ‘regulars’ at the program who have since passed away, including Reb Yoel Kahn, chief chozer of the Rebbe and mashpia in 770 Yeshiva, and Reb Yisroel Friedman, rosh yeshiva of Oholei Torah, who would both attend annually, and whose shiurim were an integral part of the program.

The program began with a visit to the Rebbe’s Ohel on Thursday morning, and then continued on campgrounds in Parksville in the afternoon. The first session was opened by Rabbi Avraham Shemtov, director of Camp Gan Yisroel and organizer of the annual Yarchei Kalla, who welcomed all the esteemed visitors. It was emceed by Rabbi Eliezer Shemtov of Uruguay, and addressed by Harav Moshe Havlin of Kiryat Gat, Rabbi Yisroel Shimon Kalmenson of Lahak Hanachos, Harav Leibel Shuchat of Venezuela, and Harav Yechiel Kalmenson, rosh yeshiva of Brunoy yeshiva.

The first session was followed by mincha and lunch. The program then continued with a second session in the Staff Zal, emceed by Harav Sholom Ber Chaikin of Cleveland, and addressed by Harav Shamai Ende of S. Paulo, Brazil, Harav Yosef Yitzchok Kalmenson, rosh yeshiva of New Haven Yeshiva, Rabbi Yakov Yosef Kuperman, magid shiur in Kiryat Gat, Rabbi Yitzchok Kenig, rosh yeshiva of Tomchei Tmimim of Lud, and Rabbi Yaakov Goldschmid, rosh yeshiva of Kfar Chabad Yeshiva.

Other attendees at the Yarchei Kallah, who will give shiurim over the coming days include Rabbis Zalman Kaplan, Yosef Yitzchok Zilbershtorm, Shalom Ber Levin, Moshe Binyomin Perlstein, Avraham Lapidus, Zalman Yaroslavsky, Sholom Ber Shuchat, Yosef Yitzchok Feigelstock, Levi Kahan, Chaim Aizik Landau, Boruch Hertz, Nachman Schapiro, Yisroel Alpeinbein, Shalom Charitnov, Shlomo Zarchi, Shneur Zalman Wilshansky, Efraim Dimchovsky, Meir Shlomo Kaplan, and Mendel Cohen.

The annual Yarchei Kallah is organized by Rabbi Avrohom Shemtov and Rabbi Yehuda Ceitlin.

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  1. Before Gimel Tamuz the Rebbe had answered to the Vaad of the Event NOT TO BRING ANY RABBONIM FROM OVERSEAS. And for some 30-40 years no person came it was just America and Canada and Mexico Rabbonim. Honestly why the change? Can someone explain?

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