Missile Shrapnel Hits Home in Kfar Chabad

This morning, shrapnel from an interceptor missile fell on a house Kfar Chabad, causing serious damage and lightly injuring two women. Nearby offices of the Reshet suffered minor damage, but the nearby yeshiva was untouched.

By Anash.org reporter

At about 11 a.m., Hamas fired a barrage of rockets at central Israel from Khan Younis in southern Gaza, triggering alarms in Tel Aviv, Cholon, Rishon L’Tzion, Kfar Chabad, Bat Yam, and nearby towns.

Shrapnel from an interceptor missile hit a house Kfar Chabad near the yeshiva, causing serious damage and lightly injuring two women. The women, both in their 30s, were treated by MDA paramedics and evacuated to Assaf HaRofeh Hospital in Be’er Yaakov in good condition.

The rocket fell near the national headquarters of Chabad’s Oholei Yosef Yitzchok Lubavitch education network. Miraculously, dozens of employees who were inside the building made it into the shelter in time, and none were injured, despite the building sustaining light damages.

Rabbi Menachem Mendel Gluckowsky, a member of the network’s administration, saw deeper significance in the strike. “The goal of the terrorist organizations is to target strategic locations within the state. Their attack on an educational institution and the offices of the Rebbe’s network teaches us about the important assets we possess and where we must invest all our efforts.”

“Just last week, one of our schools in Gedera was hit by an Iranian missile, and today this occurred, but we are not deterred in the slightest,” said Rabbi Eliyahu Krichevsky, CEO of Reshet Oholei Yosef Yitzchok. “We’ve been coordinating with the Ministry of Education and the local council. B’ezras Hashem, the students of Gedera will soon be able to return to their rebuilt classrooms. In the meantime, they are studying in temporary spaces.”

“As Chassidim, we know that after every such event, we must rise even higher. Therefore, in the coming period, we will be launching several initiatives to strengthen the Shalhevot Chabad schools, both physically and spiritually,” he said.

“We are appealing to Jews worldwide, especially the Rebbe’s Chassidim: Help us rebuild the Rebbe’s school that was damaged by an Iranian missile. Let’s demonstrate that even a small light can overcome darkness, and certainly the great light of Torah study from hundreds of children.”

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