Missed Flight Turns into a Musical Moment

Two bochurim on their way to Yeshiva missed their flight by four minutes, and while waiting, they met singer Levy Falkowitz. They turned the disappointment into a beautiful musical performance.

Two bochurim, Eli Rimler, 16and Nachmi Hecht, 17, experienced a memorable musical moment with singer Levy Falkowitz in Newark airport on Monday morning. 

On their way to Toronto for Zal, the bochurim had arrived at the airport to find out that they had missed their bag check-in by four minutes. They had to be rebooked on a new flight. 

The two were riding on high energy but very little sleep, having just gotten back from Camp Chayolei Hamelech where they’d been counselors for two months. They’d arrived back in New York at 4:00 that morning and were up and running just three hours later to make their flight to yeshiva on time. 

 But despite the delay in plans, they didn’t stress. 

“Everything is hashgacha pratis,” says Eli. “We figured we’d look for ways to make the most of our time.” 

And make the most of their time they did. Just outside their new gate, the two were delighted to meet Jewish singer Levy Falkowitz. For the musical teens, it was an opportunity not to be missed. Nachmi pulled out his violin, and Eli sat down at the piano. 

Within minutes, the three put on an impromptu performance, stirring the hearts of airport passersby. See video below.

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  1. Eli was my son’s counselor in Camp chayolei hamelech and he was so fortunate to hear such beautiful Melodies that he would play and sing. It’s unbelievable how nachman plays so beautifully on the violin and having levi falkowitz sing. This is truly taking an opportunity of a missed flight and bring so much meaning and beauty and inspiration to so many. Similar to the story of the neshei woman’s flight back to NY from Detroit was delayed to heavy snow were NOT stuck but as the Rebbe said: A jew is never stuck.

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