Miracle Baby to Undergo Heart Surgery

Message from Rabbi Elie and Chaya Rochel Estrin:

Over the past 3 years, we’ve shared our family’s miraculous journey with our son Nissi, born with Heterotaxy Syndrome and complex cardiac disease, with Chabad Houses, shuls, high schools, camps and individuals – in person and over social media. 

On this coming 5 Tamuz, Nissi (Nesanel ben Chaya Rochel) will undergo the third stage of his heart repair, the Fontan procedure. We’d like to ask Anash to join us in saying Tehillim. However, we do not want people to say Tehillim out of Rachmonus per se; rather, as befitting a child whose life has been nothing but a series of open G-dly miracles, to say Tehillim out of thanks – thanks for the miracles Hashem has bestowed upon him and all of us, thanks for the fact that there exist medical repairs to such extreme birth defects, and thanks for the life that Hashem gives each and every one of us, moment after moment.

Nissi’s kapitel is 4. 

We look forward to sharing good news with everyone of his continuous progress and healing; and to continuously thanking Hashem for His never-ending miracles. We are truly grateful.

Rabbi Elie and Chaya Rochel Estrin.

For those who don’t know the background to the story, please see my speech at the seudas hoda’a we held when he was 6 months old:


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