Mikvas Throughout Russia Inspected for Kashrus

Rabbis and Experts traveled hundreds of kilometers to thoroughly inspect the kashrus and the condition of mikvas scattered throughout Russia.

Photos: Mevaser Tov Moscow

Under the auspices of Russia’s Chief Rabbinate, headed by the Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar, this month a delegation set out on a mission to check the kashrus and condition of the mikvas scattered throughout Russia.

In coordination with the Rabbis in each city and district, they thoroughly inspected the mikva at each location. This was the first stage in a new round of inspection of the mikvas in Russia which are under the supervision of the Chief Rabbinate of Russia.

The delegation was led by Rabbi Zalman Shimon Deren, who oversees the kashrus of the mikvaos throughout Russia, and mikva architect Rabbi Shmuel Levin, who has extensive experience in planning and construction of mikvas, especially throughout the Former Soviet Union. His knowledge of the Russian language is a great asset in explaining and guiding the locals on how to build and maintain a halachically kosher mikva.

During this first round, the Rabbis managed to visit the following cities: Kazan, Togliatti, Samara, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Omsk, Lipetzk, Briansk, Kaluga and Kostroma. This is in addition to several other cities such as Moscow, Kaliningrad, Saratov, Nizhni, and Baku in which the mikvaos were recently inspected. 

Their reports to the Chief Rabbi of Russia described the top priority given by these Jewish communities to the mikvas and, where needed, detailed recommendations for improvements, which were swiftly implemented, in coordination with the above-mentioned Rabbis. 

The Rabbis and Jewish community leaders throughout Russia do not sit idly but continue to build new mikvas in cities that are still lacking, as well as renovate and restore old mikvas built during Russia’s most difficult years.

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