Mendel Bluming, 15, AH

Hatomim Mendel Bluming, a bochur from Crown Heights who thousands davened for after he was critically struck by a speeding car near his yeshiva in Suffield, CT, sadly passed away this morning, Wednesday, 15 Elul.

Hatomim Mendel Bluming, a bochur from Crown Heights who thousands davened for after he was critically struck by a speeding car near his yeshiva in Suffield, CT, sadly passed away this morning, Wednesday, 15 Elul.

He was 15 years old.

On Yud Beis Tammuz, Mendel was walking safely on a street near Suffield Yeshiva. Despite following all precautions, including wearing a reflective vest, tragedy struck. A speeding driver struck Mendel head-on, catapulting him into the air. The impact caused severe brain trauma, other critical injuries and shattered his legs.

Thousands around the world riled together in davening and adding in mitzvos in his merit. But sadly, he passed away this morning, Wednesday, 15 Elul.

He is survived by his parents, 770 mashgiach Rabbi Gedaliah and Nechama Dina Bluming, his siblings, and many friends and family.

The Levaya will take place tomorrow at 1 pm in front of 770, with kevurah in Old Montefiore Cemetery after 2 PM.

Boruch dayan hoemes.

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