Memorable Tzeischem L’shalom at Melbourne’s Cheder Levi Yitzchok

After a fantastic year of working with the students of Cheder Levy Yitzchok, the time came to farewell the school’s wonderful Shluchim. Parents, staff, and students came together to show gratitude for the impressive series of milestones reached this year.

On Chof Beis Elul, Cheder Levy Yitzchok saw history being made. After a fantastic year of working with the students of CLY, the time came to farewell the school’s wonderful Shluchim. Parents, staff and students came together to show gratitude, as an impressive series of milestones unfolded.

The evening kicked off with an inspiring message from Principal Mr. Kornhauser, who emphasized the everlasting impact of the Rebbe’s vision. Shluchim Mendel Goldstein and Naftali Stein then took the stage to share about their journey, highlighting the incredible hashgacha protis, continuous brachos, and major hatzlacha leading to this memorable event.

A strong theme of gratitude ran through the night. Heartfelt thanks poured in from the parents, students and Shluchim alike, thanking the school and Rabbi Cohen for his unwavering support, guidance and encouragement that enabled the unbelievable hatzlacha of the Shluchim. His relentless efforts facilitated an incredible year for the Shluchim and their continuous peulos, and this event was a true testament to his commitment.

The real spotlight though, was on the boys’ remarkable accomplishments.

  • 10 Talmidim made a siyum on the entire gemara Maseches Chagiga!
  • 9 Talmidim completed 12 prakim of Tanya by heart!

Several boys were spot-checked on the spot, in front of the entire audience, and their mastery left everyone thoroughly impressed. 

The evening culminated in a powerful and emotional moment – any student who accepted the shluchim’s challenge to learn an additional six prakim of Tanya by heart before Yud Alef Nissan, was rewarded with a dollar from the Rebbe on the spot. The crowd was in awe as 11 dollars were gifted throughout the event!

The boys are eagerly looking forward to the new group of Shluchim arriving iy’H after Yom Tov!

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  1. Wow! That is incredible!

    More schools should learn from this and do the same!

    The school must have been very supportive to the Shluchim to enable then to do so, Kol Hakavod!

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