Looking for a Megillah reading at a time and location that works for you? Anash.org presents a list of Megillah readings in Crown Heights. Check back for updates.
Have a Megillah reading in your shul/building/house?
Send it to us at [email protected]
Megillah Reading Every Hour on the Hour!
Agudah Shul – 456 Crown St. [between Kingston and Brooklyn Aves.]
Monday evening: First reading at 9:00pm; 10:00pm, and last reading at 11:00pm.
Tuesday Purim Day: First reading at 10:00am; last reading at 6:00pm.
Monday Evening
Maariv 7:25 pm followed by Megillah. Second reading at 9:30
Bais Levi Yitzchak
7:30pm Megillah Reading followed by Purim Bash
Tzivos Hashem Maple – 563 Maple St.
7:30 pm
Machon L`Yahadus – For Women
7:15 pm in the dorm – 1367 President St.
Lincoln Place Shul – 1185 Lincoln Place
1485 Carroll Street
Maariv @ 7:24 sharp
Followed by Megillah reading @ 7:30 sharp.
Getzel’s Shul
Corner President and Kingston
Maariv 7:15 pm, Megillah 7:30 pm
Mishkan Moshe – 580 Crown Street
7:25 and 9pm
Empire Shtiebel
Ma’ariv 7:25 pm, Megillah 7:30 sharp
Shacharis 10:00 am, followed by Megillah.
From 12:30 pm a special area will be designated for enter the main zal to hear Megillah.
Tzivos Hashem Maple – 563 Maple St.
9:00 am
Getzel’s Shul
Corner President and Kingston
Shachris 8:30 am, Megillah 9:00 am
Machon L`Yahadus – For Women
8:30 am in the dorm – 1367 President St
11:30 am in school – 825 Eastern Parkway
Lincoln Place Shul -1185 Lincoln Place
9:10am, 10:30am, 6pm
1485 Carroll Street
1pm sharp.
Mishkan Moshe – 580 Crown Street
1) Shacharis 7:15 (megilla approx 7:45)
2) Shacharis 8:45 (megilla approx 9:15)
3) Megilla 11:00am
Megillah reading on Purim day for women and children
At 11 am