Measles Confirmed in Crown Heights Infant

By Reporter

A case of measles has been confirmed in a 9 month old infant in Crown Heights.

Dr. Rosen of Crown Heights has confirmed that a 9 month old infant in the community has contracted the measles. Parents are advised to call their doctor immediately if they or their children have not been vaccinated against the virus.

The infant attends day care at Bais Chaya Mushka. The school, which was notified of the baby’s infected status after school hours, has sent an automated phone message to all students’ families to inform them of this news.

A source close to the school has told Anash that an exclusion has been implemented, which means that any child who has not been vaccinated may not come to school. Tomorrow, the Department of Health will be visiting the school to offer guidance on how to prevent the disease from spreading and protect the vaccinated children who will be coming to school during the 21 day incubation period.

Children who were not immunized at the time of exposure are asked not to come to school, even if they have since received the vaccination, as it will not take effect for another two to three weeks.

Any student who is not immunized and comes to school tomorrow will, unfortunately, have to be stopped at the door and asked to return home.

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