Mayonei Yisrael Community Joins 80th Hilula in Alma Ata

More and more people from all over the world are registering for the 80th Hilula in Alma Ata, eighty years since the passing of Harav Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, a special group of Mayonei Yisrael prepares to join.

One of the most impressive developments in hafotzas hamayanos since Gimmel Tammuz is undoubtedly the revolution among frum communities with the establishment of Mayonei Yisrael kolelim and communities.

It started popping up about twenty-three years ago in Yerushalayim, a steady flow of Yidden searching for true spiritual connection began to devote themselves to learning Chassidus Chabad and living according to its ideals. It quickly spread to other cities —  first to Bnei Brak, and then to all the centers of Chareidi Jewry in Eretz Yisrael, including Elad, Beit Shemesh, Ashdod, Kiryat Gat, and more.

Twelve years ago, a Shabbaton was held for Mayonei Yisrael families from throughout the country, with special programming for men, women, and children. The gathering had a long-term impact and continues to grow each year. A year after the initial Shabbaton, a group of serious yungerleit embarked on a trip to the Ohel for Gimmel Tammuz, a tradition that now includes more than one hundred people each year.

This year too, on Gimmel Tammuz, a large group arrived at 770 and the Ohel. Many of the participants are well versed in the entirety of the Rebbe’s Torah, observe minhogei Chabad, and even daven b’avodah. Chabad has become their entire identity.

The celebrated Mashpia, Rabbi Shneur Zalman Gopin of Tomchei Temimim in Kfar Chabad, is one of the key leaders of the movement. Each evening, after spending the day teaching Chassidus to his bochurim, he travels to a Mayonei Yisrael community to teach Chassidus: Mondays for Derech Mitzvosecha in Ashdod, Tuesdays for Samech Vov in Yerushalayim, Wednesdays for Shaar Hayichud V’Ha’emunah in Bnei Brak, Friday mornings for Tanya in Beitar, and Friday afternoon for “Haamanas Elokus” in Beit Shemesh.

Three years ago, a state-of-the-art facility was built in the center of Yerushalayim, which serves as the nerve center of the entire community which today numbers close to one thousand families!

With the help of philanthropists like Reb Dovid Fisher, Reb Eliyahu Shlossberg and Reb Chaim Yankel Leibovitz, additional centers will be opened in the future, to fulfill the Rebbe’s goal of bringing limmud hachassidus to every single Jew. Several new kolelim have already opened to further this goal, and include more than eight hundred yungerleit from across the spectrum of the frum communities in Eretz Yisrael.

Rabbi Sholom Duchman of Kolel Chabad and Mr. Yitzchak Miralashvili’s Keren Meromim, with the help of Reb Moshe Shilat are also key supporters of the institutions.


During this year’s trip to the Ohel for Gimmel Tammuz, a central farbrengen was held with Reb Zalmon Gopin in Anshei Lubavitch, the growing community of Rabbi Yossi Garelik in East Flatbush. At that farbrengen, a new idea was broached—to arrange for a special journey to the Ohel of Horav Levi Yitzchak, the Rebbe’s father, who passed away in Alma Ata, in exile. Upon their return to Eretz Yisrael, the leadership of Mayonei Yisrael decided to arrange the trip for all the Rosh Kollelim and community leaders, for the Yahrzeit of Chof Av.

Philanthropist R’ Avi Shaulzon of Miami, who has been spearheading the efforts to welcome guests at the yearly Yom Hilula, donated a significant portion of the funds, and made sure that there will be proper accommodations for the additional guests.

The trip will include the Roshei Hakollelim of “Mayonei Yisrael – Tiferes Shimshon,” the Gabboim of the Mayanei Yisrael “Heichal Avraham Yitzchak” shuls from Yerushalayim, Bnei Brak, Ashdod, Beit Shemesh, Beitar, Chaifa, Elad, Tzfas, Kiryat Gat and Modiin, the staff of the Yeshivah Ktanah, the “Igud Habochurim” of the Yeshivah Gedolah, the staff of “Lichtelech” of the elementary schools, along with Reb Zalman Gopin, Rabbi Yekusiel Farkash, Rosh Hakollelim Reb Mendel Foigel, along with Reb Yeshaya Yosef Beck, Reb Yehoshua Rosenbaum, and Reb Yechezkel Krishevsky.

The “Hanhalah Gashmis”, led by Rabbis Aharon Gross, Mordechai Yoel Schwartz, and Rabbi Mordechai Malik, have already begun to work on the details.

As previously reported, registration is open to the public, and after purchasing your flight tickets, you can fill in your details and register for a room at the Rixos Hotel.

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