Mashpia Calls to End Outdoor Minyonim

Illustration Photo - by Yisroel Teitelbaum, @lubavitch.lens

Illustration Photo – by Yisroel Teitelbaum, @lubavitch.lens

Kfar Chabad Mashpia Rabbi Michoel Tayeb spoke out against those who choose to daven in outdoor minyonim, even as the Israeli government permits shuls to reopen.

By reporter

Rabbi Michoel Tayeb, a well known mashpia in Kfar Chabad, Eretz Yisroel, spoke out against those who choose to daven in outdoor minyonim, even as the Israeli government permits shuls to reopen.

“During the past two months as a result of the pandemic, many ‘courtyard minyonim’ sprung up. The truth is, in many cases, they have become quite enjoyable.” Rabbi Tayeb wrote in an open letter.

“After davening in the fresh air, people sit down to farbreng in a friendly, pleasant atmosphere, socialize a bit, and return home. No need to go back to the shuls anymore, the stay outside has become comfortable and pleasant.”

“Everything is good and fine,” wrote the mashpia.

The issue he sees, however, is in the recent developments. “Although the Ministry of Health has approved the opening of shuls under the necessary precautionary restrictions, for some reason some of the public would prefer to stay outside, and to continue the ‘courtyard minyonim’.”

“Maybe some people are really worried about the coronavirus, and want to ‘be machmir‘ out of an abundance of caution. But for some people, it’s just a matter of personal convenience, as mentioned above,” he stated.

“It is not for nothing that Hashem commanded us to build shuls to daven in and gather for Torah study. In the shul there is a certain obligation, one has to keep quiet during davening and krias hatorah, one has to to come with decent clothing. Outdoors, the obligation is relaxed, it’s more convenient,” Rabbi Tayeb continued.

“However, it is high time to return to the house of Hashem, together with all the rules it entails. After all, if restaurants are running and cafes and malls are open, there is no reason for “Yakov’s tents” to remain locked!”

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