Marking 60 Years Since Rebbetzin Chana’s Passing

Today, Vov Tishrei, Chassidim around the world mark the 60th yahrtzeit-hilula of the Rebbe’s mother, Rebbetzin Chana. Vaad Or Vechom Hahiskashrus is pleased to present a newly updated resource site, packed with interesting material to read, watch, and learn in connection with the Rebbe’s mother.

On Vov Tishrei 5750, the Rebbe spoke the following:

“The Alter Rebbe writes in Iggeres HaKodesh that on the Yahrzeit of a Tzaddik, all the service which he carried out throughout his entire life is revealed and “brings about salvation in the depths of the earth.” The same concept applies in regard to every Jew, for every Jew has a particular mission which he must carry out within this world. The mission with which others are charged, however, is restricted to a limited scope, and therefore, the revelation at the time of their passing is also limited. In contrast, a Tzaddik is “the foundation of the world” and his service affects the entire world. Accordingly, the revelation connected with his passing “brings about salvation in the depths of the earth.”

“The service of my mother, whose yahrzeit is today, centered on her commitment of Mesirus Nefesh to help her husband spread Torah. The fact that we have the opportunity to study my father’s teachings in Pnimiyus HaTorah and Nigleh is due to her efforts. Throughout his entire life, she provided the supportive home environment that allowed him to function as a Rav and to produce his unique teachings.” (SIE transcript).

Tonight, Vov Tishrei, Chassidim around the world will mark the 60th yahrtzeit-hilula of the Rebbe’s mother, Rebbetzin Chana obm. To help you learn more about her extraordinary life and honor this special day, Vaad Or Vechom Hahiskashrus is pleased to present a newly updated resource site, packed with interesting material to read, watch, and learn in connection with the Rebbe’s mother.

Visit to explore hundreds of resources! Learn ‘How to mark the day,’ explore the Rebbe’s Sichos, read articles and Kovtzim in both English & Hebrew, study Mishnayos, and much more.

One special feature of the site is a biographical sketch of Rebbetzin Chana’s life and an overview of Vov Tishrei over the years at 770, brought to life with links to the material referenced. Click here to explore the life of Rebbetzin Chana.

Another highlight is the page focused on the Reshimos (Memoirs) of Rebbetzin Chana. Visit, to read a wealth of information, describing never-before-known facts and accounts of her life, the life of her husband and their three children, including of course many insights into the Rebbe’s childhood. The full archive of the Memoirs in multiple languages, along with an index and articles exploring its history can be accessed here.

Watch over 30 videos related to Rebbetzin Chana on the Or Vechom YouTube channel:

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