Manchester Shul Celebrates Decade With New Torah

The Young Lubavitch community in Manchester came together for a magnificent Hachnosas Sefer Torah, donated by members of the shul celebrating a decade of dedicated leadership by Rabbi Shmuli and Rebbetzin Mushky Lent.

In a jubilant celebration of a decade of dedicated leadership by Rabbi Shmuli and Rebbetzin Mushky Lent, the Young Lubavitch community in Manchester came together for a magnificent Hachnosas Sefer Torah, donated by members of the shul in their honor. The event, held on Sunday 13 Tamuz, marked a significant milestone for the community, honoring the unwavering commitment and guidance provided by the Lents over the years.

The festivities, organized to perfection by Daniela Kaye and Leah Cohen, commenced as local sofer Rabbi Sholom Ber Liberow helped eager members of the Young Lubavitch community fill in the final letters of the Sefer Torah. The momentous occasion was graciously hosted at the warm and welcoming home of Max and Leah Cohen.

Side by side with the completion of the Torah was a vibrant children’s Torah-themed carnival. This dual celebration added an extra layer of joy and excitement to the proceedings bringing the joy of the completion to the entire family. 

Many of the respected and choshuve dayanim and Rabbanim from the wider community came by to themselves be a part of this momentous occasion. 

The atmosphere was electric as the final letter was written by Rabbi Shmuli. The room filled with spontaneous, heartfelt singing until the Torah was ready for the procession. 

Almost a thousand enthusiastic individuals, including community members, guests, and well-wishers, joined the lively parade through the streets of Manchester. Singing and dancing in unison, the vibrant crowd made their way to the newly renovated shul, where the air buzzed with excitement and anticipation. 

Upon arriving at Young Lubavitch, joyous hakafos commenced. The unity and fervor displayed by the participants created an atmosphere so profound and meaningful.

In the evening a stunning Seudas Mitzvah was held for all involved in the Sefer Torah. Special guests included Dayan Raskin (Rov of Lubavitch UK) from London and Rabbi Elchonon Cohen from Israel.  Emceed expertly by the incredible Menachem Hickson, fine dining catered by the talented Yakov Bruk and Mendel Cohen – members of Young Lubavitch – fused with the incredible music, fabulous speeches and presentations created an evening like none other! 

With great emotion Rabbi Shmuli made the She’hecheyanu on behalf of all present, followed by heartfelt words of thanks to the community. 

Head of Lubavitch Manchester, Rabbi Avrohom Jaffe gave divrei bracha to the community. Dayan Raskin who flew in directly from Eretz Yisroel to be at the event, gave beautiful words of chizuk.

Keynote Speech for the evening was delivered by Rabbi Zalman Lent, Shliach to Dublin, Ireland, who expertly wove powerful stories and inspirational messages.

Shul president Moshe Cohen was presented, on behalf of the community, with a beautiful silver Menorah, a small token of appreciation for his ten years of selfless dedication to the community.

Rabbi Shmuli and Rebbetzin Mushky Lent were deeply moved by the outpouring of support and love shown by the community during this momentous occasion. 

The Hachnosas Sefer Torah celebration not only marked the culmination of an extraordinary accomplishment but also the event exemplified the Young Lubavitch community’s unity, vitality, and growth. The incredible event has left an indelible mark on the hearts and souls of all those who participated, ensuring a continued legacy of Torah learning, community building, and joyous celebration in the years to come.

Huge thanks have to be given to the dedicated committee of shul members who spent months putting together the special event: Menachem Hickson who spearheaded the campaign from the outset helped by Eli Shalom, Moshe Cohen, Mendel Cohen, Akiva Rose, Daniela Kaye and Leah Cohen.

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