Manchester Mesivta Ends Year with Siyum Celebration

As another successful and amazing year draws to an end, the talmidim of OYY Mesivta in Manchester, UK celebrated a beautiful siyum together with family and friends.

As another successful and amazing year draws to an end, the talmidim of OYY Mesivta in Manchester, UK celebrated a beautiful siyum together with family and friends.

The younger Shiur displayed the breadth and depth of what they have achieved in learning this year represented with a siyum on the entire Arba Avos led by Gaby Weinberg and on Arvei Pesachim led by Yehuda Pink. Hadranim were given by Gavriel Kievman and Yuval Cohen.

For the older shiur, this evening marked the culmination of a year filled with tremendous achievements. Levi Weinman led a siyum on Maseches Gittin followed by a hadran by Yechiel Cohen.

In addition, many of the bochurim chose to learn other masechtos for mivtza Torah. Avremi Pink made a siyum on Berochos, Mendy Kramer on Tanis, Mendele Cohen on Chagiga and Yisrolic Eidelman on Krisos!

For some lighter entertainment, there was a slideshow that took everyone down memory lane through all their years at OYY Cheder and Mesivta. It was a great reminder of the many fun and extracurricular experiences they have had.

Later on in the program, Shneur Chein of Cheadle shared ideas on Inyonei Geula Umoshiach, and Eliyohu Golomb of Sheffield, UK shared some reflections on his amazing experience in OYY since he joined. On behalf of all the parents, Rabbi Eli Pink – Shliach to Leeds UK, expressed gratitude to the hanhala and all the staff of Mesivta.

Overall it was extremely uplifting to see the incredible Hatzlacha that each talmid has had both in Limud Hatorah and in Darkei Hachassidus.

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