Lyon Yeshiva Celebrates Semicha Graduation

A graduation ceremony was held last week at the Chabad Yeshiva in Lyon, France for the Talmidim HaShluchim who spent 2 years studying semicha while assisting at local Chabad Houses.

A graduation ceremony was held last week at the Chabad Yeshiva in Lyon, France for the Talmidim HaShluchim who spent 2 years studying at the yeshiva’s semicha program while assisting at Chabad centers in the city.

The Talmidim Shluchim have been in the city for the past two years and have combined semicha studies at the Chabad-Lyon Yeshiva, along with activities among the city’s Jews, in cooperation with the Chabad houses scattered throughout the city.

The activity of the Talmidim Hashluchim in the city has been possible for the past eight years with the vigorous encouragement of Rabbi Shmuel Gurewitz, the shliach to the city of Lyon and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes district.

The semicha studies were conducted in collaboration with the institute “Iyun Halacha” of Rabbi Assaf Engelman, who gave his time and energy to the success of the program.

During the event, a number of Baalei-Batim praised the program and the enormous contribution to the Yiddishkeit in the city from the presence of the yeshiva students in the city.

Speakers included Mr. Roni Mesika, Rachamim Aouizerat, Shmuel Sialom, Rabbi Shmuel Gurewitz, Rabbi Sholom Gurewitz, Rabbi Mendel Nemanow. The MC was Rabbi Shalom Shimon Gurewitz.

Talmidim Hashluchim Mendel Sjian, Shalom Pinson, and Arie Leib Bredoire also addressed the event.

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