From the Inbox: I would like to share my thoughts on why everyone should take a mesechta for Chalukas Hashas on Yud Tes Kislev. Besides being established and promoted by our Rebbeim, there is an often-overlooked aspect that makes Chalukas Hashas uniquely effective in promoting limud Gemara.
By R’ Aba Raichik
I would like to share my thoughts on why it is crucial for every individual to take a mesechta as part of the Chalukas Hashas on Yud-Tes Kislev. The Rebbe dedicated an entire kuntres to this topic, but I am not here to summarize it. Instead, I want to address those who may not regularly take a mesechta and might not yet have a consistent kvius in learning Gemara.
Chalukas Hashas has several distinct maalos that make it unparalleled. It is a direct hora’ah from both the Rebbe and the Alter Rebbe, emphasized at every Yud-Tes Kislev farbrengen. By learning one mesechta, you acquire a share in every other mesechta, as the Rebbe explains in the aforementioned kuntres. It is considered as though you completed the entire Shas!
Beyond these points, there is one often-overlooked aspect that makes Chalukas Hashas uniquely effective in promoting limud Gemara: its flexibility. Chalukas Hashas encompasses all mesechtos in shas, which vary greatly in size and complexity. This allows each individual to choose a mesechta that aligns with their abilities and circumstances.
Today, countless resources—from online shiurim to printed Gemaras with detailed explanations—make learning accessible to everyone, regardless of their level. With Chalukas Hashas, it’s entirely feasible to select a mesechta you can complete within a year without requiring a drastic change to your daily life.
Perhaps this is why Chalukas Hashas is, to the best of my knowledge, the only specific program for learning Gemara that the Rebbe actively promoted in Lubavitch. Its flexibility allows everyone to participate meaningfully.
For those who haven’t taken a mesechta in years, this is your opportunity. Choose a mesechta that works for you, develop a realistic plan for when and how you will learn, and stick to it. The satisfaction you’ll feel upon completing it is immense—not to mention the profound impact it will have on your personal growth.
Additionally, think of the chinuch you’ll provide your children. Giving your son the memory of a father learning from an open Gemara creates a lasting impression. It ensures that when he enters yeshiva, he understands that Gemara learning holds a central and cherished place in life.
May we merit a year of growth in limud haChassidus and darkei haChassidus, and may our participation in Chalukas Hashas bring true and lasting nachas to the Rebbe.
לשנה טובה בלימוד החסידות ודרכי החסידות תכתבו ותחתמו
Beautifully written, just wanted to point out that the Rebbe encouraged learning Sotah during Sefirah which is another instituted Gemara program, and that’s aside for the 9 days Siyumim(being that it isn’t structured in the same way)
Worth noting, too: the Rebbe often took Sanhedrin for Chalukas Hashas. It’s long and may seem daunting to many of us, but this time there’s a golden opportunity: many shiurim (including several here in Crown Heights: Anshei Lubavitch, Chevra Shas, Merkaz Avreichim, Shain’s Shul, etc.) have started Sanhedrin today, and will be finishing it, bez”h, on Yud-Alef Nissan. So make the most of this chance, and come join one of these shiurim!