Lubavitchers Create “Tactical Negel Vasser” for Troops in Gaza

You’ve already heard of a tactical helmet and a tactical vest, but have you heard of a tactical washing cup? Two Lubavitchers invented and donated special kvorts that will allow IDF soldiers to carry them in battle.

You’ve already heard of a tactical helmet and a tactical vest, but have you heard of a tactical washing cup?

The War Room – ‘Aid to the Soldier’ – gave away special washing cups to the soldiers in Gaza. The washing cup, is an invention of the Patentic company owned by Rabbi Yanki Har Zvi and Rabbi Shmulik Druk, residents of Kfar Chabad.

This special cup folds down to a height of a few centimeters and allows easy carrying as part of combat equipment. In the field, the cup is opened and the soldiers can wash their hands in the lemehadrin way.

The fighters in Gaza thanked Rabbi Eliyahu Gutman, Rabbi Yossi Rabinovitz, and Rabbi Gershom Ohana who are taking care of the fighters even inside Gaza.

Watch a fighter in Gaza demonstrate the use of this special mug with the Gaza ruins in the background.

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    1. BH it’s good to discuss halacha right away, but even for psychological reasons- it can cheer them up that they get to keep more minhagei Yisroel during such a time.

  1. In response to “Note” – that is regarding netilas yadayim for a meal (mishna end of perek alef, Eiruvin). This invention is being used for negel vasser – which is for ru’ach tuma’a, and which exists even in the “machane” (in war).

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