Lubavitcher Honored as One of Israel’s Post-October 7 ‘Heroes’

On the one-year anniversary of Oct. 7, Channel 13 singled out Colel Chabad’s director of operations, R’ Mendy Blau, in recognition of his dedication over the last year. Rabbi Blau was nominated as a “Hero” by Guy Lerer, a secular TV personality in Israel.

In the days immediately after Simchas Torah, everyone was scrambling. Families were rushing to evacuate their homes in the north and south. Soldiers were racing to the frontlines. Jews around the world were hurrying to send support overseas.

And Mendy Blau, Colel Chabad’s director of operations in Israel, was heading straight to the frontlines. In the days, weeks and months after October 7, while world Jewry was trying to find its footing again, he was ensuring that every Israeli – especially those displaced – had access to food and other necessities.

On the one-year anniversary of the horrible day, Channel 13 singled Mendy out to recognize his shlichus. Rabbi Blau was nominated as a “Hero” by Guy Lerer, a secular TV personality in Israel.

“[As part of my role as a TV host], I was on the frontlines a lot this year and, very often, when I went somewhere to try and help, people told me, ‘Mendy from Colel Chabad was already here,’” says Guy, explaining why Mendy was his nominee.

“I knew Mendy was a Chabadnik and when I saw the way he worked, it shed all my preconceived notions [about Chareidim] – the way he was helping in the trenches, in the kibbutzim. THIS is the unity we need.”

In his nomination video, Guy called out to Colel Chabad’s representative directly and apologized for nominating him. “I know you don’t want the publicity, but I have no choice – because you’re my gibor, my hero.”

Watch Mendy’s nomination video

View Channel 13’s nomination

While Guy nominated Mendy, all Mendy’s work is only possible because of Colel Chabad’s donors, who support the Rebbe’s organization. He is our shliach, our representative in bringing Ahavas Yisroel to life.

Ensure Mendy can continue being a light of achdus in Eretz Yisroel by donating to Colel Chabad before Yom Kippur here.

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