Lubavitch Yeshiva Boys Learn How to Make Their Own Tzitzis

After learning all the halachos of tzitzis, the 8th grade of Lubavitcher Yeshiva got a chance to make their very own pair, guided by an expert tzitzis maker.

After learning all the halachos of tzitzis, the 8th grade of Lubavitcher Yeshiva got a chance to make their very own pair, guided by an expert tzitzis maker.

Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Shmueli‘s 8th grade class spent a number of months studying the halachos of tzitizis. To celebrate the conclusion, they had a special class teaching them how to tie their own pair of tzitzis strings, bringing the halachos they learned to life.

The class was led by hatomim Eliyahu Ezagui, and every Talmid, with individual guidance and attention, got to complete his own pair of tzitzis.

“Not only did they learn the halachos of tzitzis, but they actually made their very own pair to wear on a daily basis, empowering their enjoyment in serving Hashem,” one of the ULY principals told

“We look forward to many more of such projects in the future,” they said.


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