Los Angeles Halacha Program Celebrates a Milestone

Eleven members of the Los Angeles Chabad community celebrated a milestone on Tuesday, when they received their certificates after completing a semester of the Semichas Chaver – Chabad halacha study program.

By Anash.org reporter

Eleven members of the Los Angeles Chabad community celebrated a milestone on Tuesday, Isru Chag Shavuos, when they received their certificates after completing a semester of the Semichas Chaver – Chabad halacha study program.

The celebration began with a Kinus Torah to mark Isru Chag, with addresses by Rabbi Reuven Wolf and Rabbi Dovid Schmukler, who heads the Los Angeles branch of Semichas Chaver – Chabad.

A large number of anash from the local Chabad community take part in the weekly Semichas Chover – Chabad shiurim, and more than 20 completed the entire first semester, earning them a certificate of achievement. Eleven of them gathered on Tuesday night to receive their certificates.

Following the Kinus Torah, certificates were distributed to the 11 individuals, marking their achievement of completing the rigorous halacha course. The certificates were signed by Rabbi Avigdor Nebenzahl – a prominent rov and posek from Yerushalayim, Chief Rabbi of Yerushalayim, Rishon L’Tziyon, Rabbi Shlomo Amar, Rabbi Hershel Schachter, who oversee the larger Semichas Chaver program, as well as Chabad rabbonim Rabbi Gedalya Oberlander and Rabbi Yehoram Ulman, who oversee the Chabad branches.

“The balance between in-depth study and its practical application in halacha is beautiful,” says Rabbi Shmuckler, who teaches the Los Angeles course. “The program has amazing repercussions starting right in the heart of the Beis Medrash and spreading outwards to family and friends.”  

Semichas Chaver (SCP) is an organization led by Rabbi Elyada Goldwicht that provides a curriculum to teach in-depth halacha classes. The program is currently in over 120 locations with over 2,000 weekly talmidim. The classes are a text based study of the background and underlying principles of the halacha. The curriculum starts with the Gemara and Shulchan Aruch and follows the chain of the halacha to the contemporary Poskim.

Semichas Chaver – Chabad (SCP-Chabad) is a branch of Semichas Chaver directed by Rabbi Betzalel Bassman and Rabbi Avrohom Jacks. SCP-Chabad is working in conjunction with numerous Lubavitcher Rabbonim to adapt the curriculum to follow the opinions of the Alter Rebbe, Tzemach Tzedek and Chabad Poskim.

The curriculum is approximately a 7-year program divided into 6-month courses. Each 6-month course is an independent study. After each 6-month course, the students review the material and take a test. Those that pass the test receive a prestigious Semichas Chaver plaque signed by leading Rabbonim in the world and Chabad.


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