London Mashpia Leads Inspiring Fabrengen in the Vaad Sukkah

Rabbi Mendel Gordon, mashpia at the Yeshiva Gedola in London, led an uplifting fabrengen for bochurim in the sukkah of Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim in the courtyard of the Kehos showroom.

Each year, the lot in front of Kehos on Eastern Parkway transforms into Vaad Hatmimim’s sukkah, where nourishing meals are served, and uplifting farbrengens are held with mashpiim from around the world.

On the first day of Chol Hamoed Sukkos, the bochurim were honored to hear from Rabbi Mendel Gordon, the Mashpia Roshi of Yeshiva Gedola London (Kingsley Way), who farbrenged with the crowd.

In his uplifting style, Rabbi Gordon spoke about the significance of the yom tov of Sukkos and the practical lessons we can apply in our avodas hashem.

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