Join Live at 10:00 PM ET: Anash and Shluchim worldwide are invited to join a special virtual Farbrengen in celebration of Yud Beis-Yud Gimmel Tammuz with Rabbi Leibel Schapiro and Rabbi Yossi Lew.
Anash and Shluchim worldwide are invited to join a special virtual Farbrengen in celebration of Yud Beis-Yud Gimmel Tammuz. The Farbrengen will take place this Motzoei Shabbos at 1OPM-12AM and will led by noted and esteemed Shluchim, Rabbi Leibel Schapiro of Miami Beach, Florida and Rabbi Yossi Lew of Peachtree City, Georgia.
The Chag Hageulah Farbrengen celebrates the birthday (1880) and liberation (1927) of the 6th Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson, who sacrificed his life for World Jewry.
The Farbrengen can be seen on Facebook Live
or on Zoom
The Farbrengen is being presented as a united effort by the Chabad Shluchim of Florida and is being dedicated in honor of Mordechai ben Sara, Baruch Shmuel ben Chana and Shneur Zalman ben liana. To also dedicate the Farbrengen in honor or in memory of a loved one