Live: What Maimonides Prescribes

Join Live at 7:30 PM ET: ‘Healing the World’ what Maimonides prescribes, needed now more than ever, with with Dr. Avi Rosenberg: Renal pathologist and cell biologist, John Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD and Rabbi Levi Jacobson: Shliach in Toronto.

Join Us Live Tonight for a Fascinating Lecture at 7:30PM ET

Needed Now More Than Ever, Join us to discover what Maimonides prescribes

Join a fascinatin lecture with Dr. Avi Rosenberg: Renal pathologist and cell biologist, John Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD and Rabbi Levi Jacobson: Chabad Shliach, Toronto, CA

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As the world seems to be reeling from the pandemic and daily chaos, healing is needed more than ever. Gleaned from the writings of Maimonides and culled from the teachings of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, Dr. Avi Rosenberg and Rabbi Levi Jacobson will share a Jewish perspective on how to face these difficult times and offer a fresh outlook on what our future holds.

Healing the World is a fitting title for tonight’s lecture as it coincides with the international completion of the daily study of Maimonides’ magnum opus, Yad Hachazakah, a 14-volume compendium of the totality of Jewish law, culled from Torah, Talmud, Midrash and the other teachings of the rabbis who preceded him. In addition to being a renowned scholar and philosopher, Maimonides was also a physician, appointed as personal doctor to Saladin, the sultan of Egypt and Syria.

Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, known in the Jewish world by the acronym “Rambam” and to the world at large as “Maimonides,” is one of the most important figures in the history of Torah scholarship; on his gravestone were inscribed the words, “From Moses to Moses, none arose as Moses.”

Since 1984, following the directive of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, thousands of individuals study each day the teachings of the Rambam. The campaign suggests quotas of one or three chapters per day. Children and those unable to undertake the task can opt to study select Mitzvot of the Day from Maimonides’ “Sefer Hamitzvot”.

Dr. Avi Rosenberg, a leading renal pathologist and cell biologist at John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, will explore the life, teachings and medical discoveries of Maimonides. Dr. Rosenberg is at the forefront to battle the COVID19 pandemic and has made himself available 24/7 to patients and their families suffering from the Coronavirus.

Rabbi Levi Jacobson, a renowned orator who serves as Chabad emissary in Toronto, Canada, will offer inspirational insight to the concluding theme of Rambam’s monumental work – the Era of Redemption and the coming of Moshiach. The long awaited Redemption promises to usher in for all humanity, a utopian world with complete healing, peace and prosperity.

Healing the World is part of the “Project Unity” lecture series being offered by Chabad of Florida to unite the Jewish community through Torah Study. Past lectures can be viewed at

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