Live: Thousands Celebrate Likkutei Sichos Siyum

Join Live at 9:00 pm ET: Thousands around the world will celebrate the completion of Chelek Yud Beis of Likkutei Sichos with a grand siyum with Rabbis Fishel Oster, Yosef Chaim Kantor, Shalom Moshe Paltiel, Moshe Gourarie and singer Eli Marcus.

Thousands of Chassidim around the world are set to conclude the twelfth volume of the Rebbe’s sichos as part of Project Likkutei Sichos.

Project Likkutei Sichos is an initiative that aims to study all of the Rebbe’s sichos over the course of eight years and just marked the 6,000th participant to enrolled.

The siyum tonight will celebrate the completion of Chelek Yud Beis, and launch the study of Chelek Yud Gimmel.

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Program Highlights


Addresses from:
A TEACHER: Rabbi Shalom Moshe Paltiel

A STUDENT: Arnie Herz

GUEST SPEAKER: Rabbi Yosef Chaim Kantor

NIGGUNIM: Eli Marcus

SIYUM: Rabbi Fishel Oster

HASCHALA: Rabbi Moshe Gourarie

Join us for this milestone event on Tuesday Evening, Gimmel Sivan,
May 26, 9:00pm

Streaming live on and

To learn more about Project Likkutei Sichos and to join the thousands already enrolled, go to

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