Join Live at 8:00 PM ET: A shiur in memory of Miriam Shmueli a”h will take place in Kuntres “Anochi Mugain Loch” taught by Rabbi Levi Goldstein.
A new series of shiurim, learning the kuntreisim the Rebbe distributed, is being launched in memory of Miriam Shmueli a”h.
“Our dear Miriam always had a desire to share with our community the possibility to learn and study the kuntreisim- booklets that the Rebbe distributed to each of us,” her family said.
During the coming Wednesdays between 8:00 – 8:45 pm, we will be sharing the study of Kuntres “Anochi Mugain Loch” given to us by the Rebbe on Chof Daled Marcheshvon 1990.
With much appreciation, this Kuntres will be taught by Rabbi Levi Goldstein. Every Kuntres will have an infographic to help guide you through the shiur. With anticipation, we look forward to these coming classes.
This new series begins Today, Wednesday, September 2 at 8 p.m.
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To download the question guide info-graphic, click here.