Live: The Jewish Woman’s Power Hour

Live at 8:30 tonight: three women’s classes in an hour on relevant topics in Halacha by fascinating and knowledgeable teachers.

Join women around the world tonight for a powerful hour packed with three lessons on practical halacha given over by experienced and knowledgeable teachers.

8:30 – 8:50

Hilchos Shabbos: Borrer:
Shabbos Vs. Yom Tov –  What are the differences?
With Rabbi M. Rotenberg

8:50 – 9:10 Kashrus:

Bugs 101: How to consume produce that are blacklisted:

With Rabbi N. Zibell

9:10 – 9:30 Tznius

With Mrs. Chanie Wolf

Zoom Link:

Livestream & Playbacks:


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