Live: Siyum On Rambam’s Sefer Zmanim

Join Live at 9:00 PM ET: A Siyum will be held on the Rambam’s Sefer Zmanim, the third book of the Rambam’s Mishne Torah, addressed by Rabbis Yossi Paltiel and Avraham Plotkin.

Today, Chassidim the world over will complete the second book of the Rambam, Sefer Zmanim. A virtual Siyum, organized once again by, will take place tonight at 9:00 EDT.

The siyum will feature Rabbi Avraham Plotkin, director of Chabad-Lubavitch of Markham, Ontario will discuss the final halacha of Sefer Zmanim, and its lessons for Sholom Bayis.

Renowned mashpia Rabbi Yossi Paltiel will walk us through the upcoming yomim tovim of Tishrei (which we just learned in Sefer Zmanim) according to the teachings of Chassidus.

The program will be hosted by the popular Rabbi Raleigh Resnick of the Tri-Valley, CA, and will conclude with a trivia game challenging our viewers to their mastery of Sefer Ahava.

Live, tonight, Sunday, 14 Elul , August 2s, at 9:00 PM.

Join live via zoom.


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