Live: Practical Guidance for This Erev Pesach

When Erev Pesach coincides with Shabbos it brings with it an assortment of special halachos. Join Rabbi Michoel Lerner for practical guidance for this year’s kvius.

How will this year be different from all other years? For the first time since 5768 / 2008, Erev Pesach will coincide with Shabbos, which brings with it an assortment of special halachos. 

Junior N’Shei of Crown Heights and will be hosting a practical halachic discussion on the practical Halachos pertaining to Shabbos Erev Pesach with Rabbi Michoel Lerner, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Anash.

Rabbi Lerner will address many unique Shaalos related to this year, such as: What is the proper way to discard chometz on Shabbos morning? Am I allowed to do melacha on Friday afternoon?

Why do we burn and sell the chametz by the 6th hour on Friday morning when it is actually permitted to eat chametz until Shabbos morning?

Join live Sunday, 8 Nissan/ March 21, 8:30 PM ET, the shiur will broadcast live on

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