Live: Historic Siyum of 8th Children’s Torah

Live Now: A historic celebration in Yerushalayim marking the completion of the 8th Children’s Torah, written at the Rebbe’s request to unite Jewish children, is taking place now in Yerushalayim.

A historic celebration in Yerushalayim will mark the completion of the 8th Children’s Torah, written at the Rebbe’s request to unite Jewish children, exactly 42 years after the first siyum.

Thousands of Chassidim from all over Eretz Yisroel and beyond will participate in the grand event which will take place 42 years since the Siyum of the first Torah in 5741.

The Siyum ceremony for this historic Sefer Torah will take place at the Kosel HaMaaravi in Yerushalayim on Monday, 20 Menachem Av 5783. The procession from the main entrance of the Kosel to the plaza will begin at 5:45 PM (Israel Time).

Writing of the final letters will take place in the Tzemach Tzedek Shul in Yerushalayim, (by invitation only).

Hakafos with singing and dancing will take place at the Western Wall Plaza from 7:00 PM. The Sefer Torah will then be carried to the Tzemach Tzedek Shul in Yerushalayim.

“Every child pays only one dollar, while the costs of the certificate and corresponding with each child are closer to two or three dollars. Meaning, there is a deficit of more than $300,000!” – The Rebbe’s letter, 23 Menachem-Av 5741. Fulfill the Rebbe’s request and help cover the steep expenses associated with the siyum.


הכנסת ספר תורה השמיני של ילדי ישראל ⭐ אירוע היסטורי - שידור חי


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  1. May the arousal from below, of uniting Jewish children through a sefer Torah, cause an an arousal from Above and as the number eight is connected with moshiach, may we have moshiach and the geula shlaima mamosh.

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