Live: Hatzalathon Lag B’Omer Concert

Watch Live at 8:30 pm EDT: A evening of appreciation and recognition for Hatzalah, with singers Avraham Fried, Mordechai Shapiro, Benny Friedman, Lipa Schmeltzer, Shmueli Ungar, Chazon Meir Helfgot, Shulem Lemmer, 8th Day, Baruch Levine, Eli Marcus, Uncle Moishy, Boruch Sholom and others.

The world seems more splintered and isolated than ever. But if you look closely, you will see awe-inspiring acts of bravery and unity all around you. 

The thousands of Hatzalah volunteers across the world have been our shining light in this darkest hour. Day after unending day, they have risked their health and the health of their families to be there for the Jewish people, to save lives, to reassure. They have taught us how to breath again. 

This Lag B’Omer, a day dedicated to Jewish unity when we are to practice radical, unconditional love of another Jew, let’s show our gratitude to the heroes of our communities. 

Open your hearts and give. Give generously, give with love, give with gratitude. 

To donate to Crown Heights Hatzalah, click here.

VIDEO: Part 1

VIDEO: Part 2

VIDEO: After Party Kumzitz

Monday Night, May 11

8:30PM – Lag B’Omer Celebration with Shmueli Ungar

9:30PM – An Inspirational Journey with Avraham Fried

10:30PM – Chazan Yitzchak Meir Helfgot

11:00PM – Kumzitz with Boruch Levine and Rabbi Jacobson

Tuesday, May 12

11:45AM – Uncle Moishy

12:45PM – Afternoon Concert with Boruch Sholom, Eli Marcus, Gad Elbaz, Lipa and more

3:00PM – Mitzvah Blvd

4:15PM – Torah Inaugural

4:45-7PM – Finale with Benny Friedman, Mordechai Shapiro and Shulem

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