Join Live at 1:30 PM ET: Chayenu, an invaluable resource for daily Rambam study worldwide, is hosting a global Siyum Harambam that will live-stream from the Ohel and the Rambam’s kever.
Today, the 17th of Tammuz, is a day of celebration.
Yes, it’s a fast day and unless Moshiach comes we may have to mourn Yerusholayim…and pray for geulah.
But, on another level, Jews worldwide will celebrate the completion of the Rambam’s Mishneh Torah, as per the Rebbe’s initiative of daily Rambam study.
Join an online LIVE event, together with thousands of Jews around the world, to mark this special occasion, streaming at www.Siyum.Live
This year’s siyum marks the close of the 39th cycle, for those who study three chapters per day, and the 13th cycle completion for those who study one chapter per day. Thus, we are embarking on the 40th / 14th cycle going forward.
The Rebbe, when launching the campaign to learn Rambam Yomi, explained its purpose: Jewish Unity through Torah.
The Rebbe therefore divided the study into three distinct tracks to enable every Jewish man, woman or child to participate. Alongside the siyum of Mishneh Torah will be a siyum of Sefer HaMitzvos.
The program will be exciting and engaging not only for Anash, but for Chabad Houses and shluchim’s mekurovim too.
Program highlights include:
- Featuring a diverse spectrum of Rambam learners from an attorney in Brooklyn, to a journalist in Israel to a property developer in Johannesburg.
- We’ll meet a doctor in Hawaii, a businessman in Toronto and Realtor in LA who have studied Rambam regularly.
- There will be a short biography video on Rambam’s life, by JLI and of course, videos of the Rebbe on Rambam study.
- Also fascinating will be an interview with the man who translated the entire Rambam (Mishneh Torah) over 20 years – Rabbi Eli Touger.
- We’ll get up close and personal with an original manuscript of Rambam and hear about it from the Rabbi who saw it firsthand.
- We’ll hear a powerful message from Rabbi Mendel Kaplan of Chabad Flamingo, Toronto.
- LIVE Siyum at the Rambam’s Tomb in Tiberias, Israel and the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Ohel in Queens, NY – connecting the one whose works we are studying with the one who revolutionized this study into a daily, worldwide phenomenon.
The event is being produced by Chayenu, which has become a force and a resource for Daily Rambam Study worldwide. Today, Chayenu has over 22,000 students in over 600 cities across the globe. The range of demographics is a representation of the kaleidoscope of Klal Yisroel: from Lubavitchers to modern orthodox to reform to unaffiliated Jews. The Rebbe’s vision of Jewish unity has come to life.
Join LIVE Eastern Time, 8:30 PM in Israel, 7:30 PM in South Africa, 6:30 PM in UK, 10:30 AM on the West Coast of USA.
After the event – ZOOM Together
Immediately following the Livestream Event, we invite you to join us on a ZOOM video get-together, to connect and share more informally.
We’re going to invite Chayenu subscribers from around the world to come forth and share personal experiences connected to learning Rambam.
How did you come to learn Rambam? Is there something inspiring that happened? What was the most challenging thing in keeping the commitment strong? Was there a funny or interesting situation involving your Rambam learning, you’d like to share?
Meeting ID: 210 201 7143