Rescheduled With New Number: Join Live at 4:50 pm: The Badatz of Crown Heights requests that the Crown Heights community gather in unison for a live conference call for Tehillim, addressed by Harav Yosef Braun and Rabbi Yossi Hecht.
The Badatz of Crown Heights requests the community to unite for Tehillim at 4:50 pm as it is divided for the days of the week and to give tzedaka.
The call was rescheduled from its earlier time after the call-in number did not work.
Join a live conference call at 4:45 pm which will be addressed by Badatz of Crown Heights and Israel, Harav Yosef Braun and Rabbi Yossi Hecht. MC will be Rabbi Aron Ginsburg.
Update: New number 617-691-8374