Join Live at 9:00 PM ET: A live Achdus farbrengen will take place in honor of the yartzeit of the Rebbe’s brother on 13 Iyar.
A live Achdus farbrengen will take place tonight for men and women in honor of the yartzeit of the Rebbe’s brother Reb Yisroel Aryeh Leib z”l on Yud Gimmel Iyar.
Speakers will include Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, Dr. Arnie Gotfryd, Rabbi Yossi Paltiel, Rabbi Reuven Wolf and Rabbi Moshe Levin.
Special musical performance by singer Benny Friedman.
Join Zoom Meeting, limit 1,000. Join early if you want to get on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 309 428 9593
Password: 770
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